Anciano nips Rada for premier girls title; Padilla scores

Rafa Anciano nipped close friend Chloe Rada in the second hole of an exciting playoff for the girls’ premier age category of the Junior Philippine Golf Tour (JPGT) Luzon Series 3 at Pinewoods Golf and Country Club in Baguio on Thursday.

In front of the fringe on the par-4 18th, Anciano calmly chipped to within three feet and saved par to claim victory after Rada failed to save her 4 after leaving herself with a long putt off a poor blast from the greenside trap.

Rada caught Anciano with a 356 after regulation after shooting a fourth round 90. Anciano shot a 91.

In the boys’ category, Tristan Padilla dominated with an emphatic 11-shot victory. Leading Charles Serdenia by nine strokes after 54 holes, Padilla extended his lead with a frontside 36.

Despite Serdenia’s rally featuring three birdies in the first four holes on the backside, the 15-year-old Padilla, who finished second at Pradera Verde, maintained his lead, finishing with a three-under 285 total after a 68 spiked by a solid backside 32.Serdenia, aiming for a second win after the Splendido Taal leg, fired a 70. He, however, earned crucial points for the upcoming JPGT Match Play Championship in October.

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